Fall, Y’all
The fall season is here again, and with the change in temperatures comes a change in the garden, too. This time of year, the nursery fills up with all kinds of trees, shrubs, grasses, and flowering perennials, because fall is a great time to plant any perennial plant in our zone!
Along with fall planting, there are a number of garden jobs to be done when the weather starts to cool off. Here are just a few things to think about when tidying up this fall:
Divide and move perennials like iris, daylily, hosta, or rudbeckia
After temperatures have cooled, plant spring-blooming bulbs like narcissus and crocus
Plant out fall annuals like pansies and violas to provide winter-long color
Pot up or take cuttings from any summertime annuals you’d like to save over the winter
Fertilize lawns if you haven’t done so already
Prepare to bring houseplants and tropical plants indoors as nighttime temperatures dip into the 50s.
As always, if you have any questions about how to get ready for fall in the garden, please leave a comment on this blog. We’re here to help!